Nursing Home Abuse Attorney in Winter Garden, Florida
As our loved ones grow older, they may not be able to care for themselves as they once could and may actually be putting themselves in danger by living alone. When this becomes a reality, families are often forced to consider whether it would be best for their loved one to move into a nursing care facility to ensure they are getting the help they need at all hours of the day and night. Families often put a lot of effort into finding the best possible nursing care facility for their loved one. This is an emotional time for the entire family. When a nursing home doesn’t live up to the family’s expectations, things can take a serious turn. In the worst situations, nursing homes can be negligent and cause serious injury to a loved one. If your loved one has been neglected or abused in a nursing home, contact Cressman Law Firm, P.A. today to discuss your legal options.
Types of Nursing Home Neglect
When nursing home residents are deprived of their basic human rights, it is important to take legal action and hold facility staff accountable for their wrongdoings. Some of the many forms of neglect or abuse that is commonly seen in nursing care facilities include the following:
- Verbal abuse and harassment
- Physical abuse
- Bed sores because the resident was not moved often enough
- Sexual assault and abuse
- Medication errors
- Infections
- Dehydration
- Broke bones
- Unsanitary conditions

Proving Nursing Home Negligence
When an individual believes that their family member is being neglected in a nursing care facility, it is important that they begin gathering evidence as soon as possible. Those who wish to bring legal action are subject to the burden of proof, which simply means that they are required by law to prove to the court that there was, in fact, negligent behavior. Some of the ways that a person can collect evidence of abuse and/or neglect in a nursing care facility include taking photos and videos of poor living conditions, bruises, bedsores, and poor behavior of staff. In addition, it is essential for the person who wishes to bring legal action to create a paper trail that indicates they have filed complaints about the conditions with the appropriate parties. If there is an emergency situation, it may be necessary to report the neglect or abuse to law enforcement that can also write up a report.
Contact an experienced Nursing Home Negligence Attorney
Cressman Law Firm, P.A. fully understands how difficult it can be to transfer a loved one into a nursing care facility. If neglect becomes apparent, our team of attorneys is here to walk you through the process of holding them accountable while providing a shoulder to lean on during the emotional distress that this can cause. Contact the experienced legal team at Cressman Law Firm, P.A. today for a skilled legal advocate through this challenging time.